28 серпня 2017 р.

English Discussion Club - September, 1

Join us for English Speaking Club with Michael Kuzko - on Friday, September 1st at American Library!

Join us for English Speaking Club with Michael Kuzko - on Friday, September 1st at American Library!

English Speaking Club is an awesome place for having fun, improving your English knowledge, public speaking skills, and finding new friends!)

Let's start this autumn together! =)
See you on Friday!

WHEN: Friday, 01/September/2017, 17:00-19:00
WHERE: American Library Kyiv
(Voloska Street, 8/5, 1st floor, Kyiv, Ukraine)

Enter: Free

23 серпня 2017 р.

Авторська лекція Марка Власіка в Американській бібліотеці

Запрошуємо 1 вересня о 12:00 в Американську бібліотеку - на авторську лекцію професора права Джорджтаунського університету Марка В. Власіка "Навички, які необхідно мати для успішної кар'єри в галузі міжнародного права. Важливість включення антикорупційної складової до бізнес-навчальних програм". Реєстрація на захід за посиланням: http://bit.ly/2g1hBcu

Як побудувати успішну кар'єру в галузі міжнародного права? Які професійні навички є необхідними, щоб досягти успіху? Як антикорупційне навчання може допомогти в міжнародній кар'єрі юриста? Чому антикорупційна складова є необхідною складовою в бізнес-навчальних програмах? Запрошуємо 1 вересня о 12:00 в Американську бібліотеку (вул. Волоська 8/5, НаУКМА, кор. 4), професор права Джорджтаунського університету Марк В. Власік відповість на ці питання. Марк В. Власік - професор права Джорджтаунського університету. Марк В. Власік працював у Білому домі, Пентагоні, Світовому банку, Організації Об'єднаних Націй та великих міжнародних юридичних фірмах та є визнаним міжнародним експертом у сфері міжнародного права, запобігання корупції й повернення викрадених активів. Він є постійним коментатором BBC, CNN, FOX News, NPR, CTV, CBC News, Bloomberg News, Al Jazeera Voice of America, the Wall Street Journal, TIME, the Washington Post та ін. Подія на Facebook!

18 серпня 2017 р.

Book Club - "The Grapes of Wrath" (by John Steinbeck)

Join us for our next book club meeting on Thursday, August 31, - we'll discuss "The Grapes of Wrath" (by John Steinbeck) . American Library welcomes you to join us for discussions around American classic novels. Book Clubs meet weekly, on Thursdays. We always welcome new members =) Join us for our next book club meeting on Thursday, August 31, - we'll discuss "The Grapes of Wrath" (by John Steinbeck) Language: English =) Summary: "First published in 1939, Steinbeck’s Pulitzer Prize winning epic of the Great Depression chronicles the Dust Bowl migration of the 1930s and tells the story of one Oklahoma farm family, the Joads, driven from their homestead and forced to travel west to the promised land of California. Out of their trials and their repeated collisions against the hard realities of an America divided into haves and have-nots evolves a drama that is intensely human yet majestic in its scale and moral vision, elemental yet plainspoken, tragic but ultimately stirring in its human dignity. A portrait of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless, of one man’s fierce reaction to injustice, and of one woman’s stoical strength, the novel captures the horrors of the Great Depression and probes the very nature of equality and justice in America." (c) goodreads.com You can pick up a copy of the book at the American Library's reading room =) ps. Book Club is a place where we'd like to hear YOUR opinion about the book, which is not easy if you don't read it =) WHEN: Thursday (August, 31) 17:00 - 19:00 WHERE: American Library Kyiv (Kyiv, Voloska Street, 8\5) Enter: Free Facebook event here!

16 серпня 2017 р.

Film Club - "Good Morning, Vietnam" (1987)

Next meeting of Media Film Club - August, 22 - "Good Morning, Vietnam" (1987). WHEN: Tuesday, August 22, 16:00 - 18:00

American Library continues a film club with a list of films - from classics to new ones - about media.

Next meeting of Media Film Club - August, 22 - "Good Morning, Vietnam" (1987)

(language: English with English subtitles)

Summary: "In 1965, an unorthodox and irreverent DJ named Adrian Cronauer begins to shake up things when he is assigned to the U.S. Armed Services radio station in Vietnam."

WHEN: Tuesday, August 22, 16:00 - 18:00

WHERE: American Library Kyiv
(Kyiv, Voloska Street, 8\5)

Enter: Free

15 серпня 2017 р.

Film Club - August, 15

"We lived on farms, then we lived in cities, and now we're going to live on the Internet!" (c) The Social Network
Media film Club at American Library is showing a list of films that feature journalism, journalists or values, important for journalists, such as freedom of speech and expression. Join us next Tuesday - for a movie night of "Good Morning, Vietnam" (1987).

14 серпня 2017 р.

Book Club - "Little Women" (Louisa Alcott)

Join us for our next book club meeting on Thursday, August 17, - we'll discuss "Little Women" (by Louisa Alcott)

American Library welcomes you to join us for discussions around American classic novels. Book Clubs meet weekly, on Thursdays. We always welcome new members =)

Join us for our next book club meeting on Thursday, August 17, - we'll discuss "Little Women" (by Louisa Alcott)

Language: English =)

Summary: "Following the lives of four sisters on a journey out of adolescence, Louisa May Alcott's Little Women explores the difficulties associated with gender roles in a Post-Civil War America."

You can pick up a copy of the book at the American Library's reading room =)

ps. Book Club is a place where we'd like to hear YOUR opinion about the book, which is not easy if you don't read it =)

WHEN: Thursday (August, 17) 17:00 - 18:00

WHERE: American Library Kyiv
(Kyiv, Voloska Street, 8\5)

Enter: Free

13 серпня 2017 р.

Film Club - Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit

Enjoy Children's Film Club each Friday at 12:00 in American Library! Next meeting we'll watch "Wallace & Gromit - The Curse of the Were-Rabbit"

Enjoy Children's Film Club each Friday at 12:00 in American Library!

Film clubs give children and young people the opportunity to watch, discuss and review films in English!

Next meeting we'll watch "Wallace & Gromit - The Curse of the Were-Rabbit"

Summary: Wallace and his loyal dog, Gromit, set out to discover the mystery behind the garden sabotage that plagues their village and threatens the annual giant vegetable growing contest.

language: English with English subtitles

WHEN: Friday (August, 18) 12:00 - 14:00

WHERE: American Library Kyiv
(Voloska street, 8\5)

Enter: Free

10 серпня 2017 р.

Book Club - August, 10th

Book Club - is a discussion club around American classic novels in English. Join our next meeting on Thursday, August 17. We shall share our opinions about a novel "Little Women" by Louisa Alcott. 

9 серпня 2017 р.

Film Club - "The Social Network" (2010)

American Library continues a film club with a list of films - from classics to new ones - about media.  Next meeting of Media Film Club - August, 15 - "The Social Network" (2010)

(language: English with English subtitles)

Summary: "Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg creates the social networking site that would become known as Facebook, but is later sued by two brothers who claimed he stole their idea, and the co-founder who was later squeezed out of the business."

WHEN: Tuesday, August 15, 16:00 - 18:00

WHERE: American Library Kyiv
(Kyiv, Voloska Street, 8\5)

Enter: Free

8 серпня 2017 р.

Media Film Club - August, 8

Discussing "Wag the Dog" (1997) - an incredible movie that every journalist should see, a rare blend of cynicism, humour, and intelligence =) Join our Media Film Club in American Library next Tuesday (on August, 15) =)

7 серпня 2017 р.

Children's Film Club - "Tangled"

Enjoy Children's Film Club each Friday at 12:00 in American Library! Next meeting we'll watch "Tangled". WHEN: Friday (August, 11) 12:00 - 14:00

Enjoy Children's Film Club each Friday at 12:00 in American Library!

Film clubs give children and young people the opportunity to watch, discuss and review films in English!

Next meeting we'll watch "Tangled"

Summary: The magically long-haired Rapunzel has spent her entire life in a tower, but now that a runaway thief has stumbled upon her, she is about to discover the world for the first time, and who she really is.

language: English with English subtitles

WHEN: Friday (August, 11) 12:00 - 14:00

WHERE: American Library Kyiv
(Voloska street, 8\5)

Enter: Free

4 серпня 2017 р.

Children's Film Club - August, 4

Free and fun for all ages, American Library is happy to present a series of the best children's films! =) Kids Film screenings run every Friday at 12:00 throughout school holidays =) Next Children's Film Club will take place on Friday, August 11 - we'll be watching "Tangled". Facebook event here!

2 серпня 2017 р.

Media Film Club - August, 1

Television is not the truth. Television is an amusement park."
(c) "Network"
Today during a Media Film Club at American Library, we watched "Network" (1976). The movie caused a sensation in 1976. It was nominated for 10 Oscars, won four, and stirred up much debate about the decaying values of television. Join our Media Film club next time - on Tuesday, August 8th 

Film Club - "Wag the Dog" (1997)

Next meeting of Media Film Club - August, 8 - "Wag the Dog" (1997) 

Reporters and other media people are among the favorite characters in film and literature. American Library resumes a film club with a list of films - from classics to new ones - about media. Get inspired by these great journalism movies!

Next meeting of Media Film Club - August, 8 - "Wag the Dog" (1997)

(language: English with English subtitles)

Summary: "After the President is caught with a Girl Scout, he hires a Hollywood producer to create a fake war and bring home a fictionalized war-hero to gain support. Problems arise when the insane war-hero dies."

WHEN: Tuesday, August 8, 16:00 - 18:00

WHERE: American Library Kyiv
(Kyiv, Voloska Street, 8\5)

Enter: Free