27 квітня 2020 р.


Шановні користувачі, Американська бібліотека НаУКМА може надати Вам віддалений доступ до передплачених електронних ресурсів eLibraryUSA. Для отримання логіну та паролю, будь ласка, звертайтеся до нас, заповнивши цю форму.
Ресурси eLibraryUSA — CSDRS

Для отримання віддаленого доступу до передплачених електронних ресурсів Американської Бібліотеки НаУКМА потрібно бути зареєстрованим користувачем бібліотеки та мати активний читацький квиток. Перелік доступних баз даних:
- Digital Literacy
- Gale Academic OneFile
- Gale In Context: Middle School
- Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints
- Kanopy
- Magazines on Flipster
- PressReader
- ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global

23 квітня 2020 р.

Resources for World Book Day 2020

Dear Friends, this year the World Book Day is celebrated on April, the 23rd
Here we prepared some resources and portals which contain information about this day and paths to free books to listen to or to read
World Book Day
World Book Day is a charity funded by publishers & booksellers in the UK & Ireland. https://www.worldbookday.com/

World Book Day - National Today https://nationaltoday.com/world-book-day/

World Book and Copyright Day - Unesco https://en.unesco.org/commemorations/worldbookday

9 Free eBooks for World Book Day https://www.southernsavers.com/9-free-ebooks-for-world-book-day/
10 Free eBooks For World Book Day https://www.mymoneyblog.com/free-kindle-books-world-book-day.html

Free eBook Downloads | Rakuten Kobo - Kobo.com https://www.kobo.com/ww/en/p/free-ebooks

22 квітня 2020 р.

Earth Day 2020

April 22nd, 2020, marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, the annual celebration of the environmental movement. In 1970, according to EarthDay.org, about 20 million Americans assembled to demand greater attention to the protection of the planet.

Supporting every teacher: online teaching ‘ask me anything’

On Thursday 9th April, Cambridge University Press hosted an ‘ask me anything’ on Facebook Live. The session was for all the teachers out there who have recently moved to online teaching and wanted to know more about using a virtual classroom. 
The ‘ask me anything’ session was led by Matt Ellman, Professional Learning and Development Manager at Cambridge University Press. 
Matt was joined by three guests:
  • Chris Thorn: a teacher trainer and writer who supports educators from around the world with online courses.
  • Helen Allen: Digital Pedagogy Lead in the New Product Development team at Cambridge Assessment English. 
  • Olha Madylus: involved in English Language Teaching for over 30 years; living, teaching and training in Greece, Hong Kong and Venezuela. 

Watch  HERE

Free courses from TabletWise

TabletWise is an education company that provides premier online learning platform and course hosting software. With the support of our world-class instructors, TabletWise has put together a collection of over 250 free eLearning courses that library patrons can learn from at no cost.
The courses are available at the following address: https://www.tabletwise.com/class/category/free. Free courses cover a wide range of subject areas including Personal Development, Creative, Business, Health, etc. Users can register for a personal account to utilize the resource.


Happy Earth Day!
Today marks the 50th anniversary of the first Earth Day celebrations which included a massive “Teach-In on the Environment” led by student activists at the University of Michigan in 1970. We invite you to continue the Earth Day tradition by engaging in the Earth Day at 50 Teach-Out and joining a new online course looking at the unprecedented challenges facing the sustainability of our planet and society.
You’re invited to engage in an intergenerational and interdisciplinary conversation about what sustainability means across different sectors, disciplines, and lived experiences. Hear from more than 20 experts as they explore themes including global sustainability efforts, climate change, environmental justice, and more. We hope this global conversation will inspire you to take individual action and help to develop collective visions for a sustainable, just, and peaceful world.


Are you a researcher seeking information on how to increase your research impact? Or maybe you are an educator and would like to level up your teaching skills. You may be a librarian who seeks advice on what to recommend to your patrons. In any case, you should look at these resources:

8 квітня 2020 р.

How stories can help

We have some resources for you in order to find a good book which can entertain you during stay at home period
The great resource is an online audiobook site:  https://stories.audible.com/discovery
Free stories for kids of all ages. Audible Stories is a free website where kids of all ages can listen to hundreds of Audible audio titles across six different languages—English, Spanish, French, German, Italian and Japanese—for free, so they can keep learning, dreaming and just being kids.

For Space Admirers

If you are interested in SPACE  here is a link to storytime by U.S. astronauts, mostly from the international space station: https://storytimefromspace.com/library/ 

Astronauts read stories and the text of the stories is displayed at the same time.  This makes it a great English-learning resource (plus it's extra cool because the readers are astronauts!).  Here are the bios of the U.S. Astronauts who read the books. You can also search on NASA for their official bio: 


Dear Library Users, you can use an opportunity from NPL and read online more than 300000 books. All you need to do is to download application SimplyE 
Get it on the App Store or Google Play.


Recognizing that NaUKMA Library plays an important role in supporting academic and research activities, it continues to support access to a range of library resources and services in compliance with the requirements of the University during the quarantine period. In order to protect the health of our users, our staff, and our faculty as well as increasing the quarantine and restrictive measures in the country and NaUKMA, the NaUKMA  Library has ceased servicing users since 18 March (reading rooms will not operate).
The library continues to operate remotely, electronic library resources are available, library staff provides advice and user support remotely. We continue to provide most of our services remotely, including instruction, scientific advice, help services, and access to all of our digital collections, including databases.
 Resources of the Scientific Library that can be used remotely during quarantine:

Remote Access to Licensed Prepaid Resources. Prepaid resources are licensed academic databases that contain full-text and abstract materials from different fields of knowledge, which are accessed by login and password. To access these resources remotely, you must fill in the form: https://bit.ly/33FQad0  Please note that in order to gain remote access to the subscribed electronic resources of the NaUKMA  Library, you must be a registered user of the library and have an active library card.
Open Access Resources are scientific databases that do not require license agreements and subscriptions. Resources from these databases are openly available and may be freely used, distributed and reproduced for scientific or educational purposes on any medium, provided the original work is cited correctly. List of Open Access Resources - Alphabetically (A to Z) on the Library's website: https://bit.ly/2QMeMvD.
Scientometric databases are licensed scientific databases that do not contain full-text resources but have tools to track the citation of scientific publications. Scientometric databases are also search-engines that generate statistics that characterize the status and dynamics of demand, activity, and impact indexes of individual scientists and research organizations. Some of the Scientometric Databases require remote access (Scopus, Web of Science), the rest runs freely on the Internet without a login and password. List of Scientometric Databases - on the Library's website: https://bit.ly/33Iu7T0
 Search engines. The library recommends that you use free search engines (aggregators) to search and work with scientific materials. List of search engines - on the Library's website: https://bit.ly/33Iw1D8
 Resources that have free access for the period of quarantine:
The library has prepared a list of scientific and educational resources available for free online during the quarantine period. The list of these resources is updated daily by the Library and is available on the Library's website: https://bit.ly/2wrIq2n
Own electronic resources:
eKMAIR - Electronic archive of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. The NaUKMA eKMAIR Open Archive contains scientific works of teachers, researchers, students, and staff of the University. In the archive, you can browse the works of a particular department or faculty, search for materials by title, author, keywords. You can also upload your own works (articles, conference materials, monographs and book sections, tutorials, presentations) to the archive. To do this, you need to register on the site. For questions and advice on how to work or add materials to eKMAIR, please contact  Iryna Khoroshok, Chief Librarian in charge of working with NaUKMA researchers ( khoroshok@ukma.edu.ua). Access: freely online, at http://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/

Digital Collection of National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy". It is a collection of digitized rare and valuable documents and other objects from the holdings of the Scientific Library, Archives and Museum of NaUKMA. The site contains such collections as fine arts, manuscripts, posters, decorative art, periodicals, maps, material culture, photographs, archival documents, etc. The use and citation of any objects contained on the Digital Collection site are permitted provided the source is acknowledged and a direct link to the document is provided. Access: freely online, at https://dlib.ukma.edu.ua/
Virtual Museum of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. Since 2006, the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy has been operating a  museum in historical buildings of the late XVI - the first half of the XVII century (Halshka's House). It is a research, scientific-informational and cultural-educational unit of the University, which preserves and promotes monuments of Ukrainian history and culture related to the history of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy through the unification of the book, archival, museum and documentary collections of the University. Access: freely on the Internet, at the link: https://vm.ukma.edu.ua/
 NaUKMA Scholarly Publications. The University is the publisher of peer-reviewed journals. Each journal has its own site with an archive of issues where you can read and download articles in PDF format. NaUKMA Journals are a reflection of the scientific process taking place at the University, serving as a platform for academic communication between teachers, researchers, NaUKMA students, and authors from other institutions of Ukraine and the world. The library supports scientific publications by filling sites, providing technical support, promoting journals in international scientific databases and scientific archives. Access: Available online at https://bit.ly/2WIeauP
 Study materials and instructions:
The online MOOC Scientific Communication in the Digital Age is a free online course on the Prometheus platform, prepared by NaUKMA librarians, staff, and scientists, in collaboration with Clarivate Analytics and the Foster Project. Practically, this course is a digital-analog of the discipline taught to NaUKMA Ph.D. students and provides researchers with basic knowledge and skills to use modern tools for conducting and analyzing research. Access: Available online at https://courses.prometheus.org.c/courses/course-v1:UKMA+SCDA101+2020_T1/about

Instructions for using the Library's resources. The library prepared a list of its own instructions, tips and training presentations on the use of scientific databases, search engines, archives, the search for scientific information, as well as the preparation of bibliographic lists and publication in scientific journals. Annoyance: Free online, at https://bit.ly/2WK1682
Services and reference:
 UDC Code Definition:  Natalia Pavliv, Head of the Bibliography Department (pavlivng [at] ukma.edu [dot] ua)
Consultations on the use of Databases and search engines: Oleksandra Yaroshenko, Head of Academic Literature Services Department (yaroshenkooi [at] ukma.edu [dot] ua)
Consultations on the use and work of scientific publications of NaUKMA: Oleksandra Yaroshenko, Head of Academic Literature Services Department (yaroshenkooi [at] ukma.edu [dot]ua)
Consultations and Assistance in Finding Materials in Scientific Databases (Electronic Document Delivery): Oleksandra Yaroshenko, Head of Academic Literature Services Department (yaroshenkooi [at] ukma.edu [dot] ua)
Consulting on the creation of author's identifiers of researchers (ORCID, Publons): Iryna Khoroshok , Chief librarian responsible for work with researchers of NaUKMA (khoroshok [at] ukma.edu [dot] ua)
Consultations on the use and download of materials at eKMAIR: Iryna Khoroshok , Chief librarian responsible for work with NaUKMA researchers (khoroshok [at] ukma.edu [dot] ua)
Organizational questions:  Tetiana Chorna, NaUKMA the Library Director (chornatv [at] ukma.edu [dot] ua)
General consultation and help: library [at] ukma.edu [dot] ua


For the period of quarantine information providers give open access to some of their collections, especially to those dedicated to the materials about COVID-19 please see the list of such resources:
JSTOR and participating publishers are making an expanded set of content freely available through June 30, 2020 to the participating institutions where students have been displaced due to COVID-19.
Novel Coronavirus Information Center - Elsevier’s free health and medical research on the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and COVID-19
Emerald publishing gathered freely available research on COVID-19
Future Science Group suggests the latest updates on current research on this topic
Karger Publishers supports research in this area by providing free access to relevant  topic article package on Coronavirus
Free online courses from FutureLearn platform can be browsed by this link
Ukrainian Ministry of Healthcare prepared a portal with information about Coronavirus
World Health Organization resources on Coronavirus

 3D illustration of Coronavirus (© istock.com/Dr_Microbe)


We hope you and your family are well and safe during this global health crisis. As the world continues to practice social distancing and stay indoors, it's given rise to collective thinking that 'working towards a goal at times like this is a good distraction.' The goal could be as simple as meditating for 5 mins every day, to baking sourdough bread or as complex as learning to do an unassisted headstand! Or, it could be to hone some foundational skills towards professional development. In this uncertain environment, it's essential that learning continues, even if it can't happen in person. That's why we're providing access to expert faculty, best practices, and other online learning resources for people who are studying, teaching, or working remotely.
Free IBM Training to update technical skill
A comprehensive list of free online training courses which will allow you to use any downtime you may experience to develop your skills, whether you are in the office or working remotely. https://ibm.co/2V7F0d9
Get IBM Cloud Certified
IBM Cloud offers a variety of professional certifications to address different skill levels and job roles needed in today's market. Let these Learning Paths guide you to advance your skills and gain recognition within the IBM Cloud Community. https://ibm.co/2xZwNjC
Join the Study Group for the AI Enterprise Workflow Specialization
It's not too late!  Join live or view recorded "Catch Up" sessions available from April 4 and coming up on April 11. These sessions will help fast track you through the materials from the first half (courses 1-3) of the IBM AI Enterprise Workflow Specialization (available on Coursera ). Then you can continue with us when we begin course four on April 18, 2020.  Learn more here: https://ibm.co/2UVt2Dz
Virtual Event: "Learn AI: Hands-on Labs, Leadership, Lessons from AI Experts
Live April 16, 2020, 9am-3pm (EDT). Whether you are a practitioner or an AI leader, there has never been a better time to build new skills and strengthen your technical muscle. Join for a fun, complimentary online day of hands-on labs, tutorials, and expert leadership and technical sessions. Learn more here: https://ibm.co/2R5YlKP
AI Explainability virtual Masterclass and Hackathon - Underway now
Compete for the $8,000 prize pool. Build a new skill and earn the badge. The Hackathon contest runs through May 1, 2020. Get started now. https://ibm.co/2UZ6i5C
Enhance your learning in multiple ways with the Data and AI Community
IBM Data & AI Learning Community offers a free month on Coursera with membership. Earn Data Science and AI Professional Certificates Specializations. Join here https://ibm.co/2JD0xVX
On-Demand Webinar: Working from home poses new Cybersecurity challenge
Join Charles Henderson, Global Head of X-Force Red, and Beth Dunphy, Deputy BISO of IBM Security, for a conversation of challenges security leaders face when implementing a global shift to a work from home policy. https://ibm.co/3aRFFX0
THINK 2020 Digital Event Experience
May 5–7, 2020. IBM's annual conference has moved online, making it possible for everyone around the world to attend – with no conference registration fees.  Learn about the latest advancements in open technologies in AI, data, hybrid multi-cloud environments, and much, much more https://ibm.co/2xPQn1l
Skills for All
We believe that everyone should have the chance to succeed. IBM Skills helps studentsprofessionals, and organizations build critical technology skills for today and stay competitive tomorrow through thousands of online courses, free training programs, and custom enterprise offerings created in partnership with universities from all over the world.
Here are some additional resources to help you through your learning journey:
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