1 грудня 2019 р.
10 червня 2019 р.
Talk to me, Alexa
We cannot imagine modern day world without new technologies. The same is true about librarianship. Our speaker - Irene Lopatovska is an Associate Professor at the School of Information at Pratt Institute in New York, NY. Dr. Lopatovska graduated from Rutgers University with a Ph.D. in Information Science. Together with our guests and colleagues, Dr. Lopatovska discussed cutting edge technologies and how they can be applied in our sphere of interest.

14 травня 2019 р.
Наукова бібліотека НаУКМА / Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Library received a very interesting book as a gift. Would like to know more - than read the information below.

Interesting Kyiv (see in our catalogue )
The book includes 120 fascinating, concise articles about the most prominent symbols of the capital of Ukraine – from the official Lavra, St. Sophia’s Cathedral and Khreschatyk, to local tips and favorites, like minibuses or the savory pie “perepichka”.
Each article covers a two-page spread and includes a short description, an “avatar”, a QR-code with GPS coordinates, and, of course, beautiful pictures. The articles are written by locals, with the idea
that the book will be read by someone not acquainted with the reality of our city. In about 200-250 words, the authors tried to reveal each attraction.
Reading one article takes just two minutes, making the book a nice companion to a cup of coffee, or an easy read during a commute.
The book is hard to define. It’s not your average city guide, or a photo-album, or a phone directory. “Interesting Kyiv” combines it all; the owner of this book can skip buying a traditional guidebook or a set of postcards with scenes of the city, and even won’t need to check Wikipedia for details – all of the most essential and interesting things to know about the city are collected in this one book.
The editors took great care with the book’s translation – that’s why we asked John Bailey, British cinematographer and Cannes Lions Festival awardee, to review it carefully.
Note the book’s convenient format – it is small enough to fit into a purse, yet big enough to show the city in all its glory, with a large photo, not those tiny little pictures you usually find in travel guides.
“Interesting Kyiv” is not just a book, it’s a luxurious souvenir, made from quality materials: Arctic Paper G-Print coated matte paper, velvet lamination film, UV-coating, and an additional bronze dye on the cover. With thread bookbinding, the book opens easily and firmly – unlike most small-sized travel guides. It feels good to hold it in your hands, and it’s a wonderful present for a friend.
You can buy this book at the web site awesomeheritage.com
Use the promo code "kyivspring" to get the special discount of $8!
10 квітня 2019 р.
Jazz at the American Library NaUKMA
Запрошуємо вас 17 квітня 2019 року о 16:30 в Американській Бібліотеці ім. В. Китастого при НаУКМА (вул. Волоська 8/5), де відбудеться відкрита лекція: "Джаз в Американській бібліотеці КМА".
Лектор - Олендарьов Вадим Миколайович, кандидат мистецтвознавства, доцент Національної музичної академії України імені П. І. Чайковського, автор дисертаційного дослідження та багатьох праць з історії і теорії зарубіжного та вітчизняного джазу.
Тема лекції буде пов*язана з виданнями з джазу, що наявні в Американській бібліотеці НаУКМА. Супровід лекції включатиме музичні ілюстрації у стилістиці жанру джаз. В центрі уваги Л. Армстронг, Д. Елінгтон та інші виконавці.
Лектор - Олендарьов Вадим Миколайович, кандидат мистецтвознавства, доцент Національної музичної академії України імені П. І. Чайковського, автор дисертаційного дослідження та багатьох праць з історії і теорії зарубіжного та вітчизняного джазу.
Тема лекції буде пов*язана з виданнями з джазу, що наявні в Американській бібліотеці НаУКМА. Супровід лекції включатиме музичні ілюстрації у стилістиці жанру джаз. В центрі уваги Л. Армстронг, Д. Елінгтон та інші виконавці.
21 лютого 2019 р.
Publication Activity for Researchers

The last session for today in terms of Grinchenko Pedagogical Science School was dedicated to the main principles on how to write a publication. What are the main components of the publication, what requirements Ukrainian Journals have, and how to prepare your article to a pedagogical journal? Trainer - Маргарита Козир
Academic Integrity in Research

The second session of Grinchenko Pedagogical Science School was dedicated to the main Values of Academic Integrity, types of AI violation, bibliographic culture, and referencing via automated systems. The participants named what in their opinion constitutes AI and learned suggestions from Barry Gilmore on how to avoid plagiarism and make your work effective and interesting for you and others. Conducted by Svitlana Chukanova
Information Literacy for Ph.D.
The first part of Grinchenko Pedagogical Science School was dedicated to Information Literacy. Mariya Fedoriv taught the participants how to check information quality, which is important in information search in databases, and 5 laws of Information and Media Literacy

Memorandum on Cooperation
Today, in terms of Grinchenko Pedagogical Science School was signed Memorandum on Cooperation between Kyiv Borys Grinchenko University Library and The National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Library by Library Directors - Tetiana Opryshko and Tetiana Chorna

31 січня 2019 р.
29 січня 2019 р.
Wear Red Day 2019
This year we will mark Wear Red Day on February the 1st.
On this day we raise awareness about congenital heart disease. Look at the bibliography of works dedicated to this topic. These materials can be found on eLibraryUSA platform in the JSTOR database
Початок форми
Anderson, Ian M. “Survival In Severe Congenital Heart Disease.” Vol. 3, no. 5767, 1971, pp. 184–184. JSTOR, www.jstor.org.vlib.interchange.at/stable/25415207. Accessed 29 Jan. 2019.
Celermajer, David S., and John E. Deanfield. “Adults With Congenital Heart Disease: A Comprehensive Specialist Service Is Needed.” Vol. 303, no. 6815, 1991, pp. 1413–1414., www.jstor.org.vlib.interchange.at/stable/29713887. Accessed 29 Jan. 2019.
“Congenital Heart Disease.” Vol. 2, no. 4681, 1950, pp. 717–718. JSTOR, www.jstor.org.vlib.interchange.at/stable/25358462. Accessed 29 Jan. 2019.
“Erratum: Birth Prevalence of Congenital Heart Disease.” Vol. 20, no. 4, 2009, pp. 630–630., www.jstor.org.vlib.interchange.at/stable/25662723. Accessed 29 Jan. 2019.
Floquet, P., et al. “The Psychosocial Adaptability of Adolescents with Congenital Heart Disease.” Vol. 6, no. 7/8, 1997, pp. 645–646. JSTOR, www.jstor.org.vlib.interchange.at/stable/4035464. Accessed 29 Jan. 2019.
“Genetics Of Congenital Heart Disease.” Vol. 1, no. 4924, 1955, pp. 1268–1268. JSTOR, www.jstor.org.vlib.interchange.at/stable/20363664. Accessed 29 Jan. 2019.
Goodwin, J. F., and Alden S. Gooch. “Teaching About Congenital Heart Disease.” Vol. 2, no. 5707, 1970, pp. 474–474. JSTOR, www.jstor.org.vlib.interchange.at/stable/20383830. Accessed 29 Jan. 2019.
“Heredity And Congenital Heart Disease.” Vol. 1, no. 5123, 1959, pp. 704–705. JSTOR, www.jstor.org.vlib.interchange.at/stable/25386897. Accessed 29 Jan. 2019.
Hollman, A., and Joseph K. Perloff. “Congenital Heart Disease.” Vol. 1, no. 5794, 1972, pp. 258–258. JSTOR, www.jstor.org.vlib.interchange.at/stable/25417468. Accessed 29 Jan. 2019.
Insley, Jack. “The Heritability Of Congenital Heart Disease.” Vol. 294, no. 6573, 1987, pp. 662–663. JSTOR, www.jstor.org.vlib.interchange.at/stable/29526353. Accessed 29 Jan. 2019.
Johnson, A. M. “Congenital Heart Disease.” Vol. 1, no. 5594, 1968, pp. 764–764. JSTOR, www.jstor.org.vlib.interchange.at/stable/20391958. Accessed 29 Jan. 2019.
Kinnersley, Paul, et al. “Detecting Congenital Heart Disease Prenatally.” Vol. 304, no. 6833, 1992, pp. 1055–1055., www.jstor.org.vlib.interchange.at/stable/29715306. Accessed 29 Jan. 2019.
Muir, D. C., and J. W. Brown. “Congenital Heart Disease.” Vol. 1, no. 3879, 1935, pp. 966–971. JSTOR, www.jstor.org.vlib.interchange.at/stable/25344119. Accessed 29 Jan. 2019.
Olsen, E. G. J., et al. “Cardiological Problems Simplified.” Vol. 284, no. 6320, 1982, pp. 967–968. JSTOR, www.jstor.org.vlib.interchange.at/stable/29505818. Accessed 29 Jan. 2019.
Scott, Olive. “Survival In Severe Congenital Heart Disease.” Vol. 3, no. 5777, 1971, pp. 769–769. JSTOR, www.jstor.org.vlib.interchange.at/stable/25416000. Accessed 29 Jan. 2019.
“Symposium On Congenital Heart Disease.” Vol. 2, no. 5528, 1966, pp. 1519–1520. JSTOR, www.jstor.org.vlib.interchange.at/stable/25410437. Accessed 29 Jan. 2019.
Tubman, T. R. J., et al. “Congenital Heart Disease In Down's Syndrome: Two Year Prospective Early Screening Study.” Vol. 302, no. 6790, 1991, pp. 1425–1427., www.jstor.org.vlib.interchange.at/stable/29711906. Accessed 29 Jan. 2019. Objective—To determine the effectiveness of clinical examination, chest radiography, and electrocardiography compared with echocardiography in detecting congenital heart disease early in the life of children with Down's syndrome. Design—Prospective two year screening survey. Setting—Regional paediatric cardiology service, Northern Ireland. Patients—81 newborn infants with Down's syndrome born in Northern Ireland between November 1987 and November 1989. Interventions—Clinical examination, chest radiography, and electrocardiography soon after birth followed by cross sectional Doppler echocardiography. Main outcome measures—Diagnostic ability of clinical examination, radiography, and electrocardiography compared with echocardiographic findings. Results—34 babies had congenital heart disease detected by echocardiography (13 had atrioventricular septal defects, seven secundum atrial septal defects, six a solitary patent ductus arteriosus, five isolated ventricular septal defects, and three combinations of heart defects). Individual examination methods were insensitive (the sensitivity of clinical examination was 0.53, of radiography 0.44, and of electrocardiography 0.41) but highly specific (the specificity of clinical examination was 0.94, of radiography 0.98, and of electrocardiography 1.0), although sensitivity improved when the three techniques were combined (the sensitivity was 0.71, the specificity 0.91). Conclusion—Echocardiography performed early in life can detect congenital heart disease that might otherwise be missed. Early detection may help prevent complications such as pulmonary vascular disease that may adversely affect the outcome of cardiac surgery.
Uebing, Anselm, et al. “Pregnancy And Congenital Heart Disease.” Vol. 332, no. 7538, 2006, pp. 401–406., www.jstor.org.vlib.interchange.at/stable/25456163. Accessed 29 Jan. 2019.
Velde, E. T. Vander, et al. “CONCOR, an Initiative towards a National Registry and DNA-Bank of Patients with Congenital Heart Disease in the Netherlands: Rationale, Design, and First Results.” Vol. 20, no. 6, 2005, pp. 549–557. JSTOR, www.jstor.org.vlib.interchange.at/stable/25047491. Accessed 29 Jan. 2019. [Introduction: Survival of patients with congenital heart disease has dramatically improved after surgical repair became available 40 years ago. Instead of a mortality of 85% during childhood following the natural course, over 85% of these infants are now expected to reach adulthood. However, data on long-term outcome is scarce due to the lack of large, national registries. Moreover, little is known about the genetic basis of congenital heart defects. In 2000, the Interuniversity Cardiology Institute of the Netherlands and the Netherlands Heart Foundation have taken the initiative to develop a national registry and DNA-bank of patients with congenital heart disease in the Netherlands named CONCOR. Objectives: The aims of the CONCOR project are to facilitate investigation of the prevalence and long-term outcome of specific congenital heart defects and their treatment, to develop an efficient organisational structure for the improvement of healthcare for patients with congenital heart disease, and to allow investigation of the molecular basis of congenital heart defects. Methods: After informed consent, research nurses enter data of participating patients into the CONCOR database using a web application. Data is transferred over the Internet via a secure connection. About 20 ml blood is withdrawn from the patient, and the DNA is isolated and stored. From each participating patient family history on congenital heart disease is obtained. Results: Within two and a half years more than 4200 patients have agreed to participate. More than 99% of the patients that were asked have given their consent to participate in CONCOR. From 60% of these patients DNA has already been obtained. Mean age of the patients included is 34 years; more than 85% of the patients are younger than 45 years. Late complications occur frequently and the incidence increases with advancing age. 18% of the patients are known with supraventricular or ventricular arrhythmias. 2% of the included patients suffered a cerebrovascular accident, 139 (3%) had endocarditis. 6% of the patients has pulmonary hypertension or Eisenmenger syndrome. More than 15% of the patients reported an affected family member with congenital heart disease in the first, second, or third degree. 6% has an affected first-degree relative, and 4% a second-degree relative. Already 10 research projects have started using the CONCOR data and DNA. Conclusion: The population of patients with congenital heart disease is young and rapidly growing. Late complications occur frequently and the incidence increases with advances age. The CONCOR registry and DNA-bank facilitates research on prevalence and long-term outcome and allows investigation of the molecular basis of congenital heart disease.]
Zhan, S. Y., et al. “Effect of Fathers' Age and Birth Order on Occurrence of Congenital Heart Disease.” Vol. 45, no. 4, 1991, pp. 299–301. JSTOR, www.jstor.org.vlib.interchange.at/stable/25567218. Accessed 29 Jan. 2019. [Study objective-The aim was to examine if there is an effect of fathers' age and of birth order on the occurrence of congenital heart disease. Design-This was a hospital based case-referent study including use of birth defects surveillance data. Subjects-Subjects were 497 cases of congenital heart disease aged between 3 months and 5 years, born in Beijing and Hebei Province, China; 6222 children without congenital heart disease serve as reference baseline. Measurements and main results-With stratified analysis and logistic regression analyses, congenital heart disease was found to be associated with fathers' age < 25 years (odds ratio 2·63), independent of mothers' age and of birth order. There was also evidence to show a higher birth order effect on the occurrence of congenital heart disease independent of parental ages. Conclusion-Higher birth order and fathers aged < 25 years were both independently associated with some categories of congenital heart disease and with congenital heart disease overall.]
Кінець форми
22 січня 2019 р.
Professional visit
On January the 18th we were visited by our future colleagues - students of The National University of Culture and Arts, Faculty of information policy and cybersecurity
(specialty - information, library, and archive science). We discussed the history of American LIS education, WoA Centers in Ukraine and how the network works, the importance of book donations as a tradition started by Petro Mohyla and many more. The group was taken over by amazing Svitlana Kupriets to the Department of Special Collections where our guests had an opportunity to see book and art collection of marvelous Vira Ostapivna Wowk
(specialty - information, library, and archive science). We discussed the history of American LIS education, WoA Centers in Ukraine and how the network works, the importance of book donations as a tradition started by Petro Mohyla and many more. The group was taken over by amazing Svitlana Kupriets to the Department of Special Collections where our guests had an opportunity to see book and art collection of marvelous Vira Ostapivna Wowk
Discussion Club with Edward Kuzko

Discussion club is one of the favorite events among our users which helps the participants in motivating each other enhance their English skills
Each Friday at 5 p.m. in Media Room at the American Library
CA training

Семінар - презентація "Пошук та оцінка міжнародної співпраці та грантової підтримки через Web of Science". Проводить Ірина Тихонкова, канд.біол.наук, спеціаліст з навчання Інтелектуальна власність та наукові дослідження Clarivate Analytics.
Коли: 23 січня 2019, 15-00
Де: Американська бібліотека імені Віктора Китастого НаУКМА (4 корп., к.116), вул.Волоська 8/5, Київ
Реєстрація за посиланням
Коли: 23 січня 2019, 15-00
Де: Американська бібліотека імені Віктора Китастого НаУКМА (4 корп., к.116), вул.Волоська 8/5, Київ
Реєстрація за посиланням
MLK Day 2019
Find 20 minutes to come to the Library on January 21 and look via eLibraryUSA Alexander Street : "Educational Video Group (Producer). (n.d.). Martin Luther King, Jr.: "Mountaintop" Speech (Partial Speech: Entire Speech Not Captured) [Video file]. Retrieved from American History in Video database". in order to celebrate Martin Luther King Day

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