30 травня 2017 р.

Visit of colleagues - May, 30

Today  at American Library, during the visit of our colleagues from The National Academy of Managerial Personnel of Culture and Arts we discussed the future of 3D printing in Ukraine, watched Voice of America series by Zoreslav Baidiuk dedicated to Arts in the USA, shared experience, exchanged questions concerning statistics in library functioning.We compared the information about using ecologically safe materials in art objects described in the piece of news with the use of PLA filaments in 3D printing.

29 травня 2017 р.

Psychology Club with Jimmy Hill - May, 29

“Don’t worry about what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” ~Howard Thurman

It is terrifying when you feel like your life has no purpose or direction, but finding your passion can change all that. Finding your passion is like finding your personal road map. When you know what your passion is, you feel motivated, inspired, and so much clearer about what your next step should be.
Today during a Psychology Club with Jimmy Hill, we discussed ways to live a life you love.

26 травня 2017 р.

Book of the Week - "Shifting Gears: Technology, Literature, Culture in Modernist America"

Book of the Week - "Shifting Gears: Technology, Literature, Culture in Modernist America". 

Ernest Hemingway, John Dos Passos, and William Carlos Williams show how it is that writings on a range of subjects can embody the values of machine technology. Stories and novels about hunting or fishing, bullfighting or boxing can exhibit a machine aesthetics, even when machines or structures play no part in the fiction. The form is what counts, and each writer's style marks the achievement of machine values in imaginative literature.

24 травня 2017 р.

Training - "Corruption and Cyber Crime"

Corruption can be broadly defined as the abuse of public power for private gain. Human relationships within a corrupt organization are harder to develop than in a workplace characterized by honesty and integrity.
Today we talked on topics of corruption and cybercrime during a Training by Professor Peter Henning (USA). Peter J. Henning is an author of the book: "The Prosecution and Defense of Public Corruption: The Law and Legal Strategies", writes a regular column, "White Collar Watch," for The New York Times DealBook. Special guest of the meeting was Federal prosecutor of Austin, Texas - Allen Booi

Film Club at American Library: "The Proposal" (2009)

Friday, May 26, 17:00 - "The Proposal" (2009) Summary: A pushy boss forces her young assistant to marry her in order to keep her visa status in the U.S. and avoid deportation to Canada. Film Club's language: English with subtitles. 

WHERE: American Library (Kyiv)
(Voloska 8\5 Street, Building 4, 1st floor)
Enter: Free

23 травня 2017 р.

Презентація програм Національного бюро програми ЄС "Креативна Європа" в Україні

У Вівторок 23 Травень 2017, 15:00 - в Американській бібліотеці відбудеться презентація програм Національного бюро програми ЄС "Креативна Європа" в Україні. Найближчим часом оголосять конкурс "Художні переклади", а восени - конкурси на проекти з міжнародної співпраці, включно з окремим конкурсом на тематику "Охорони культурної спадщини".  Спікер презентації - Юлія Федів, керівник Національного бюро програми ЄС "Креативна Європа" в Україні.

22 травня 2017 р.

Psychology Club with Jimmy Hill - May, 22

How do you know if someone is LYING?

Wouldn’t the world be such a simple place if someone’s nose really grew when they told a lie? Then we wouldn’t have to spend so much time trying to determine whether people are telling the truth. Today at Psychology Club with Jimmy Hill we were talking about scientific ways to tell if someone is being honest.

Film Club with Jimmy Hill - "Breakfast at Tiffany's"

American Library is glad to invite you to our Film & Discussion Club, tutored by Jimmy Hill. WHEN: Wednesday, May 24 at 16:30. "Breakfast at Tiffany's" (1961).

Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)

Summary: Holly Golightly is a flighty Manhattan party girl, who expects "money for the powder room as well as for cab fare" for her companionship. Her aspirations for glamor and wealth are epitomized by the comfort she feels at Tiffany's, the famous high end jewelry retailer where she believes nothing can ever go wrong. Her resolve for this wealth is strengthened, if not changed slightly in focus, upon news from home. Into Holly's walk-up apartment building and thus her life is Paul Varjak, a writer who Holly states reminds her of her brother Fred, who she has not seen in years and who is currently enlisted in the army. The two quickly become friends in their want for something outside of their current lot.

WHEN: Wednesday, May 17 at 16:30

WHERE: American Library Kyiv
(Kyiv, Voloska 8\5 Street, building 4)

Enter: Free

20 травня 2017 р.

English Speaking Club - May, 19

Michael's friends, regular visitors, and the newcomers to the Speaking Club getting to know each other and sharing ideas on what might be the unusual ways to spend your summer.

Join our discussions - you'll definitely have lots of fun and great communication experience.

18 травня 2017 р.

Тренінг: "Корупція та кіберзлочинність"

Американська Бібліотека запрошує на Тренінг: "Корупція та кіберзлочинність: подвійний виклик для інвестицій"

Лектор: Професор Пітер Хенінг, відомий американський експерт з протидії корупції. Автор бестселера: "The Prosecution and defence of public corruption" WHEN: 24 травня 2017, 18:00 WHERE: American Library (Kyiv, Voloska 8/5 Street, building #4, 1st floor)

16 травня 2017 р.

Psychology Club with Jimmy Hill - May, 22

American Library is pleased to announce that during May 2017 our dear friend and tutor Jimmy Hill will be back in Kyiv with a series of trainings on Psychology. WHEN: Monday, April 22, 16:30 WHERE: American Library Kyiv (Kyiv, Voloska 8/5 Street, building 4).

Ferhad Turanly Lecture - May, 16

American Library hosting a lecture by the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy professor Ferhad Turanly about the presentation of the Ukrainian historical events in the Ottoman Turkish manuscripts and documents. The event is organized by our colleagues and neighbouring Library Department - OMELIAN PRITSAK MEMORIAL LIBRARY, and conducted in memory of one of the greatest orientalists of the XX century Professor Omelian Pritsak.
We welcome you to visit American Library and two Memorial Libraries - Omelian Pritsak Memorial Library and James Mace Memorial Library, which together create a coherent American-Ukrainian space within the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Library.

15 травня 2017 р.

Psychology Club with Jimmy Hill - May, 15

Do you trust people? Do people trust you? What kind of people is worth being trusted? Is it important to trust someone?
Today the participants of the Psychology Club discuss with Jimmy Hill the tricky questions on trust, honesty and building sincere and earnest relationships.
Join our hot psychology debate every Monday at 16:30, at the American Library.