Until 1971, both February 12 and February 22 were observed as federal public holidays to honor the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln (February 12) and George Washington (February 22). In 1971 President Richard Nixon proclaimed one single federal public holiday, the Presidents' Day, to be observed on the 3rd Monday of February, honoring all past presidents of the United States of America.
All states celebrate a version of President's Day, but names and honorees vary depending on location. Many states have expanded the holiday to honor other presidents who were born or raised in their state. In Virginia, the holiday is known just as George Washington Day, while Massachusetts honors all the presidents that have hailed from that state with Presidents Day. Alabama celebrates Washington and Jefferson Day while many other states, including California, hold President's Day as a federal holiday and celebrate Lincoln's birthday as a state holiday. Regardless of what state, President's Day or its equivalent is a special holiday designed to honor and remember the leaders of the United States and their contributions to creating the country it is today.
Location is a primary factor in how people celebrate President's Day. Because President's Day is always on a Monday, many people celebrate what's often referred to as President's Day Weekend. Most use the holiday to travel and recreate, whether it's camping in the mountains, a picnic on the beach or visiting friends or family. Elementary and middle schools often take the time around President's Day to teach students about U.S. presidents. Generally, the focus is on Washington and Lincoln and any president originating from that state.
Other President's Day observances include community and city celebrations. Many choose to honor government workers on this day; even the U.S. Congress holds a special ceremony. The U.S. Senate takes a moment to read Washington's "Farewell Address" each year, a tradition dating back to 1862. President's Day weekend is also a time where retail stores typically hold major sales. Big shopping excursions have now become a regular occurrence for many during the President's Day holiday.
The American Librray at Kyiv-Mohyla academy also celebrates this holiday. Our staff prepared book display
Presidentt's Day: The America's Greatest Leaders. And we hosted students fron school #118 with presentation and quiz dedecated this holiday.